Think you want to print out a photograph with a size of DIN A4: 210 × 297 mm maintaining a printing quality of 200 dpi. Which resolution would the image need?
To do this we need to know what is a dpi, that are the number of printed dots in one inch of an image printed with a printer. With easy maths we cane know that an A4 papel has 8,26 inches of long, and 11.69 inches of hight. If we multiply that per 200 that are the number of pixeles per inch tht need it will be: 1,654 X 2,338 pixeles, that will be the resolution of the imagen.
Which resolution would the same picture need to have a 300 dpi picture?
We aply the same rule, and the result will be 2,481 X 3,507 pixeles of resolution in the imagen
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